Saturday, April 12, 2008

Love Your Soil As You Love Thyself

Why do you stay in India,"India is full of dirt",said one of my cousins/frineds.

"I love the dirt too",i retorted,trying to immolate myself for having heard such a thing from someone i like.

There were many options for me/everyone (as iam an engineer) after my/their Graduation.

A lucrative IT job(which iam doing presently),MBA from IIM(trying for it,will succeed one day) or Escape the competetion in India and fly to US(not applicable to all).

I choose the two former things as i love this country.

There are many reasons why i love this country,but only the primary one or the most important one iam mentioning here.

When u see urself in the mirror what will u see or what can u see?

If iam not wrong one see's his reflection,his image,.............etc.

Wrong u see some flesh(yes iam talking about the composition of ones body),bones,muscles(not everyone) .

How is this flesh made of?

The food we eat gets transformed to flesh.

How is the food made?

Food is an indirect form of soil (as i perceive).

Food u eat(veg/non veg) is made up of soil and some pesticides.

So,you eat the food(soil),u love the food(made of soil),but u hate the soil(i.e ur country).

How stupid is that.It is as if planting a small seed,taking special care for it,and when it bears the fruit,"Tree, says u dont have any right to pluck the fruit".

Dont take the meanig literally take it in an implied way.
As you are born in India ,you should strive for the develpoment of India.(as i perceive).
This is the primary reason for which i didnt write GRE or TOEFEL or IELTS and escape to US.
And secondary reason is this is the place in which i can play cricket,i can talk about cricket,i can feel cricket .

Coming to the kind of people who go to US(abroad).

1)Who are supposed to go(they like to go and they will go)------------------------->25%

2)Who are supposed to go(they dont like to go,but they must go)------------------>5%

3)Who like to go(they dont have any other option,they must go)------------------->10%

4)Who like to go(they dont want to face the competetion and they love ot go)------>60%

Iam not bothered about those who fall in the first three categories.People who fall in the fourth category are making fun of themselves.

They cannot sustain in a country like India where the education system is void,i mean where marks and goldmedals mean more than attitudes and abilities and they want to go to a place where people study because they are passionate about it(not for status,money,girls,dowry,job).

It is as if person likes reading a fiction and suddenly he had choosen to read the philosophical works.

The shift is good but it takes a lot of hardship on ur mind as well as ur body .

"Dad i will do MS in US,but i will return to India and work in India,I mean settle in India".

This is the best fiction i have ever heard ,better than grisham's and fleming's.

So i dont leave India because i cannot sustain in this competetion,i dont leave India because I like US,I leave India only when iam supposed to do that,and i dont like to do that.

(Apologies to all those Intellectual,Successfull,Rich people,bride's parents and coaching institutes.

And importantly to those who fall in the third category.These people do their Graduation from a reputed institute ,they want to do masters and Indian Universities dont provide adequete infrastructure for masters and research.

And to everyone who are hurt by the content.

U can bully me in the comments.

Waiting for some brickbats as well as some bouquets)

In dedication to all those Idiots like me,who are sentimental about their "Mother".
And specially to all those IITian's who didnot leave India .Yes they Exist as many as !@#$ form the batch of 2007.

1 comment:

aaaalu said...

Hi Bhargava...part of this blog is quite John Donnish (he is a metaphysical poet and I LIKE HIS WORKS VERY MUCH). Here is the bouquet.....Bravo!!!